Hosting Information & Registration


*IASAS TENNIS JAN 22 - JAN 26, 2025 80 BEDS NEEDED, 26 beds secured REGISTER TO HOUSE HERE (54 beds to go)

*IASAS Tennis teams will arrive Wed afternoon Jan 22 and depart Sun Jan 26 by 10am

More information about an IASAS hosting family can be found in the overview/FAQ's section below.

If you have questions please email

hosting Overview-

Each school year, ISM hosts various exchanges and IASAS tournaments involving sports, Fine Arts and other events such as AMIS Music festivals. During these events, we ask our parents and families to host visiting students in their homes for two to four nights. Our visitors come mainly from the other IASAS schools located in Bangkok, Jakarta, Singapore, Taipei and Kuala Lumpur. Our students directly benefit from the same hospitality when we travel to other schools and participate in similar events held throughout the region. Hosting provides our students with the opportunity to meet families from other schools, cultivate new friendships and it significantly reduces the cost of travel for everyone involved. 

It is therefore imperative that all ISM students/families who participate in these programs, either in Manila or abroad understand that we will need and expect their help throughout the year. If students are chosen to represent the school on a team or in a group, the expectation is that their family will host visitors for events held in Manila.

If a family is not able to house for a particular event, after signing and submitting the housing form then it is understood that the participant will find a replacement host to assist with their housing responsibility.  Please understand it is not OK to simply call/email or text a few day(s) before or on the eve of the event and withdraw your offer due to changed plans. We are very tight with housing offers at most events and often do not have back-ups to call on at the last minute to make these type of changes.

The students typically will spend most of the day (Thursday, Friday and Saturday) on campus at ISM participating in the tournament or convention. They should keep you informed of their whereabouts and plans at other times so you are not worried or inconvenienced. Open communication with your guest is important, exchange cell phone #’s to keep in touch! You will receive an information email prior to the event with all details regards guest(s) name, school of your guest, pick-up/drop-off times and the event schedule. Generally at all IASAS events schools arrive Wed afternoons/evenings and depart on Sunday mornings before 10am.

IASAS Curfew is 9pm and all students must be at the hosts home by this time. Host parents do not have the authority to allow students to leave the house after curfew for any reason and it is not ok to take students out beyond the curfew time. If students ask say NO!

Team dinners are not allowed at IASAS events. Host parents can pick up their guest at the end of each day once tournament play has ended.

*It is recommended that hosting families and IASAS participants are vaccinated for Covid 19.

*Hosting families will ensure all members of the household in which visiting IASAS students will stay will be treated with kindness, respect and will ensure a safe environment for their guests for the duration of their stay. ISM/IASAS takes child protection seriously and host families must ensure all members of the household are responsible and gracious hosts to visiting students. Upon agreeing to host ISM families must affirm to their knowledge no family member or member of their household staff have any prior history related to child protection concerns/inappropriate behavior toward minors.


Some suggestions about IASAS Housing from experienced ISM IASAS host families. It is meant to be a helpful guide when you are hosting for the first time. The IASAS competition which benefits our HS students cannot happen without host families, thank-you, we hope you have a great time with your visitors.

General Responsibilities: Transportation….Food….place to sleep and a WARM Welcome. Please treat your guests the way you would wish your own children to be treated when they are hosted.


Q-Are students vaccinated?

A- It is recommended that all IASAS students and delegates for sports or cultural events are fully vaccinated for CoVid 19.

Q- Should host families be vaccinated?

A- It is recommended that host families should be fully vaccinated for Covid 19 including household staff.

Q-How do guests get to our homes when they arrive on Wed and depart Sunday?

A- Please plan to meet and pick up your guest on arrival day. ATAC will send the information to you via email with pick up times etc. On Sunday please drop them at the ES playground according to the time indicated on the information you have received. Kids may be hungry and shy on arrival, please have a meal and or snack ready for them at your home, this helps break the ice and gives you a chance to talk with them about the coming few days. This is a good time to arrange meeting points on campus each day and discuss the schedule. Please give them access to house wifi to help them be in contact with their own parents, team mates and coaches.

Q- How do my guests get to and from school each day during the event?

A- As a host it is your responsibility to arrange this. Guests can ride the school bus with your own children if that is the normal way you send your children to school. Please do not send guests in taxis…this is not allowed! Often matches will conclude in late afternoon, early evening well after school busing has finished, please arrange to collect your guests from the ISM campus at the end of each day. Students can ride in grab taxis but only in pairs and in the company of an ISM host student.

Q- What sleeping arrangements need to be provided?

A- A comfortable place to sleep is needed, it does not always need to be a bed, it can be a mattress or  inflatable mattress on the floor, as long as it is comfortable for a good nights sleep.  A separate room is preferable where the guests can close the door and have some privacy in the evenings.

Q- Must a parent always be home in the evenings?

A- Yes this is obviously preferable, and a parent must be home at curfew time of 9pm to ensure guests are in for the evening.

Q- What about Laundry?

A- Show your guests how to do their own laundry and they can do it quickly themselves, sounds weird but some kids have never used a washing machine and actually find it fun to do their own laundry at IASAS!

Q- If guests arrive home after curfew of 9pm what to we do?

A- If they have been in contact, they are ok and it is only a minor traffic delay don’t worry but do tell the coach when they call that they were late home. If you have not heard from them and you are concerned call the ISM AD and report it immediately and let the coach know when they do the curfew call. If they arrive home let the ISM AD know immediately

Q- Is my child bound to the IASAS rules if we are hosting and they are not an IASAS participant?

A- No but they should be a good host and ambassador for ISM at all times.

Q- In case of unacceptable behavior or problems who do I contact?

A- Call the ISM AD or Principal immediately to let them know so the situation can be rectified ASAP!

Q- In case of a medical emergency who do I call?

A- Call the ISM AD or Principal, you could also call the Seda Hotel and inform or leave a message for the coach to call you.

Q- How do we make guests feel welcome?

A- Some ideas are….Encourage your own children to engage with the guests, give them a quick tour of the house on arrival, show them the bathrooms, refrigerator, where the towels are etc. Encourage them to relax and feel like they are home. Show them the tv room or get their device hooked up to wireless internet so they can contact their parents to let them know they are ok. Provide them with an old cellphone and sim card they can use whilst they are staying with you to keep in contact.

Q- Can we take them out for dinner or sightseeing in the local area?

A- Yes of course but they must be home by curfew of 9pm, no exceptions.

Q- Are students allowed to leave the house after curfew?

A- NO not under any circumstances.

If you have any questions call the ISM Athletics office, the numbers will be on your IASAS guest information sheet for each event. Thanks for hosting we hope you have an enjoyable experience!